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About Lindsey









If I had to describe myself in a few words, those are some of the ones I'd use. 

So what do those qualities amount to?

A partner who is dedicated to helping you succeed but won't BS you. 

Someone who will keep you accountable.

Who will be a source of objectivity.

Who will be your biggest cheerleader.   

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The last 18 years of my life have completely revolved around athletics or fitness of some kind. 

I was an avid volleyball player in high school, which turned into a collegiate volleyball career. Outside of volleyball practice and games, my biggest hobbies were lifting weights and running.  After my volleyball career ended (insert the weeping emoji here), I threw my free time and energy outside of my 9 to 5 into running, resistance training, and volleyball leagues.


So how did I end up with a business?

After feeling unhappy in my successful corporate job at an actuarial consulting firm, I earned my CPT, quit my job, started a personal training business, began working on my master's in applied Exercise Science all within a matter of two months. 

Did I mention this was right when the pandemic started?  And that I had a 2-year-old at the time? And that I'm a military spouse whose closest family is 3+ hours away?


Cue a very stressful 2020.  Especially since I decided to take the plunge for child #2 over the summer of 2020.  

The end result of this series of events?   

- Successfully grew my business throughout 2020 and 2021

- Started my capstone course of my masters in March 2020 two weeks before my due date

- Gave birth and finished my master's degree about 6 weeks later with a 4.0.

- Have continued to grow my business throughout 2021

- Met and helped a wide variety of individuals become healthier, happier versions of themselves.


Clearly some of those qualities I mentioned above have helped over the last two years! 

If the last two years have shown me anything, it's that I LOVE my current job more than I thought was possible.  I love helping people find their inner and outer strength, gain confidence, and improve their health. 



If you want to make a positive change in your life, you absolutely can.





Masters in Applied Exercise Science - Concordia University Chicago


Certified Sports Nutritionist from the ISSN


NASM Certified Personal Trainer

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